from my livejournal…
I have never seen anyone play the mandolin like that in my life. Tonight Heather, her cousin Scott, and I went to see Nickel Creek at Dancin' in the District. They played almost 2 hours. They were phenomenal. No, really. I have liked them for a while but never got the chance to see them live. I always say before I can really love a band I have to hear them live. Well, I really love Nickel Creek.
We were sitting on this hill thing at the beginning (before I decided I had to move up closer) and some girl fell down the hill. It was the funniest thing I have seen in a Very Long Time. Definite highlight of the night.
Tonight was a nice change from all of the drama around me. I needed it.
Nickel Creek show = A very happy Elizabeth
Thursday, July 31, 2003 / Comments (0) / by elizabeth
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