from my livejournal...
"The next time I fall I'm gonna have to recall it isn't love it's only something new." -Emily Sailers
Auuughhhh I feel like I am about to rip my hair out. I guess I got so used to just hanging out all the time last semester that I forgot what having lots of responsibilities feels like.
I hate not being busy, but when I am this busy I feel so overwhelmed. Now, on top of my work and school schedule I decided to go on a mission trip over spring break...which means I commit at least 2 nights a week to training.
And I am so tired all the time. I don't know how people do it. I am juggling 2 jobs, 15 hours, actually trying to learn Spanish, maintaining friendships/relationships, and now church 85,000 times a week. Or so it seems.
Anyway. ((Deep breath))...
Tuesday, January 27, 2004 / Comments (0) / by elizabeth
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