Thursday, April 24, 2008 / Comments (2) / by elizabeth

"I have always believed in you, I mean, you're the most extraordinary person that I've ever met; I'm your biggest fan"
- Dawson's Creek

"You can't get a best friend. Best friends become. They don't happen in a meeting or a year or's a package deal, friendship...[it's] only as valuable as what you put in."
- Felicity

Due to a flight scheduling error (on my part...oops!) I get to spend the entire day with my best friend instead of just a few hours. In 8 hours I will be on my way back to TN...back to where I'm safe and loved and everything just always feels right (though it can be argued that all of those things exist for me in New York as well).

Anyway, here's to 3 day weekends turned into 4 day weekends because I apparently can't read!


Anonymous @ April 25, 2008 at 10:30 PM

Yes, I would like to argue...

rebekah @ April 26, 2008 at 2:38 AM

we can't wait to see you!!!!