
Friday, November 21, 2008 / Comments (2) / by elizabeth

Shelah A. Adams was born March 16, 1929, in Rutherford County. He was raised on a farm in the Leanna Community and enjoyed the close knit country family life with his four brothers and one sister. He attended the Training School and Central High School. He was a veteran of the National Guard. He married Idalee Drake on Christmas Eve 1950 and they had three girls, Shelia, Suzan, and Sherrie. After the death of Idalee in 1993, he married Katherine Johnson, whom we all call Sissy.

Survivors include his daughters, sons-in-law: Mike Warren and Donny Bratton; six wonderful grandchildren: Daniel Woodard, Kyle, Matthew, and Ruth Warren, and Elizabeth and Kathleen Duncan, and his sister, Agnes. He is preceded in death by Idalee Drake Adams and son-in-law, Eddie Graves.

Big Daddy, as he was affectionately known by his grandchildren, grew a beard every Christmas just because they loved to pretend he was Santa Claus. He always smelled the same, like cigarettes and Old Spice. Big Daddy loved well and with a fierceness like no other. He was always good for a ride through the back of the farm with six grandchildren and two sons – in – law bumping around in the bed of his red truck – always red. When they were younger, his favorite trick was to scare them buy popping his false teeth out of his mouth at them. He was a good father and an excellent grandfather.

A favored Big Daddy story took place when all three of his girls were very young. Big Daddy was in the hospital after being critically injured in a construction accident. When the doctor told him he had a blood clot traveling to his lungs and he might not make it through the night, Big Daddy stopped him. He looked the doctor in the eye and said, “I’m NOT dying tonight.” The doctor was stunned and a little flustered. Big Daddy then pulled out his wallet, showed the doctor a picture of his three children, and said, “You know why I’m not dying? These three reasons” as he pointed at the picture.

Big Daddy’s family is grateful they have many more stories to tell so that the memory of the incredible man they knew can live forever. He lived a life surrounded by people who love him deeply.

“The LORD your God is in your midst,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
- Zephaniah 3:17


mrs007 @ November 21, 2008 at 10:23 AM made me smile

sash @ November 21, 2008 at 10:14 PM

I enjoyed being able to just sit today. see you again soon love.