like i got run over by a truck.

Friday, March 28, 2008 / Comments (2) / by elizabeth

Recently the question "how are you" has been met with "i feel like i got run over by a truck."

March has been an insane month, good in so many ways, but exhausting. i'm pretty sure in college i stayed up until 4 am many a if I go to bed past 12 i forgo the shower in favor of another 15 minutes of sleep. i've felt (and looked) like trash at work the last couple of in a ponytail, no makeup, and whatever combination of clothing i could put on my body that looked somewhat appealing (or, in yesterday's case, not so i got to work an realized i had a nice GIANT stain on the front of my white sweater. i wore my marmot jacket all day, which resulted in a critical once - over by our VP. seriously, i'm the least fashionable person here...when did that happen?)

where was i? oh yes, march. a month of sleeplessness and insanity.
REVO. My roommate Rachel does a great job of summing it all up here or you can go here or here to check it out.

every spare (and not so spare) second we have lived and breathed REVO. It's been in the works for 10 months, and it's hard to believe it's over.
during REVO week we had anywhere from 2 to 6 people staying at our house on any given night. several people flew in from nashville for help and support. the week was incredible, super busy, but incredible.
and if you were here and you still want to be my friend, i'm impressed with your tenacity (and love, of course). it's all a blur now, but i'm sure my words weren't as kind as they could have been. i also need to learn to control my facial expressions, because apparently it's obvious when i'm pissed. and all this time i thought i was an emotion-hiding expert!

the stress of last week gave way to a nice cold. I also had a root canal on Monday, which still hurt yesterday. So I went back to the dentist, and he sent me to an oral surgeon, and the o.s. put me on a super strong antibiotic that i have to take 4 TIMES A DAY. the combination of meds i'm on is impressive: 6 total. Awesome.

all that to say, i'm still here, but i need some rest. this weekend i am doing whatever i want to do, and i have a sneaking suspicion that's gonna involve some sleeping. and then some more sleeping. and maybe a mani/pedi and eyebrow wax! and then sleep some more. on my back, so as to not ruin my nails.


Anonymous @ March 28, 2008 at 4:47 PM

Nice Marmot.

joy @ March 28, 2008 at 8:38 PM

rest, dear.

i was laying on the floor of my boss's office this evening half asleep, and she looked at me after she totalled my time card and said, "no wonder you are tired. of the 56 hours we were open this week, you were only absent for 4 of them."

yikes. i feel your pain. rest.