after reading this post on my friend jamie's blog, i started to type out a comment talking about how weird (read: crazy) i am about my email. but then the comment got too long to be a comment and i realized it should be a blog post instead!
so yeah, i'm super weird about my email. i have 3 personal email addresses and of course my work one. i like to keep my shopping stuff (,, etc.) separate so i have a shopping email account. i also have an account for "professional" stuff like when i decide to apply for random jobs or email congressmen and stuff. and then you know, my personal personal one, the one that's actually linked to my blackberry, the one i use on a regular basis. if you add all of them up, i have 4814 emails spread amongst my 3 accounts.
i am also a label fanatic...certain friends get their own label, but most else is in the 'friends' category. and most emails skip the inbox and go ahead and archive themselves automatically. i hate email in my inbox so everything has a label and a place. i clean it out about once a week, leaving the emails i need to reply to in my inbox so i'll remember to do it.
my work email is also organized like this, but i guess it makes more sense at work...right?
does anyone else do this?
type A. but only sometimes.
Thursday, November 13, 2008 / Comments (5) / by elizabeth
Posted in: NaBloPoMo, you say particular but i say crazy
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you say particular but i say crazy
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I found your blog due to a mention of Twilight. I LOVE IT!
As for the labeling...yeah, I do it too. My work email is insanely folder/label crazy. I have 2 addresses work & Yahoo. Both are set up like that as well. Though I am like you in the generic titles as well as the specifics. I am also a list maker. Major list maker - they can really get out of hand. lol. I did an entry on my blog recently and realized that not only did I talk about lists but made a list of other lists...yeah, scary.
oh, E....your labeling skillz intimidate and frighten me. i know you've mentioned your insanely organized email account before, but seeing it on the screen.....yeah, all i can say is, "tree pretty. fire bad."
i have 1073 emails in my inbox. that would drive you insane :)
I LOVE YOUR LABELS. Seriously, your screenshot makes me want to file mine. I might have to get a new Gmail account and start from scratch, though...
I'm a fellow Type A personality (I even own a company called Type As, Inc.) and I'm totally with you on the inbox zero and the labels.
I have a suggestion, though. Instead of having three different accounts, you could buy one domain name and use it as a catch-all, which means anything delivered to that domain would go to you. So if you're on Amazon, you'd use, etc. You could make one specific alias for applying for jobs, and then set the filters up so "To: Amazon OR Sephora" went to your Shopping label, "To: work" went to the Work label, etc.
I've got a post up at that describes my email tactics in more detail - hope it may be useful to you!
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