the Church

Sunday, September 07, 2008 / Comments (0) / by elizabeth

i'm a big fan of the Church (please note the capital "C"). Being part of a church plant in new york city is not always easy, especially coming from a 2,000+ member church in Tennessee. the Church is not a place, not a building, but it is a people. it is a community. the best way to build community is to serve beside one another.

this morning i had the opportunity to serve on the host team. one staff member and i made a grocery store run and bought ice and coffee creamer. following the morning service, i helped tear down the greeting area and wheeled one of the bins outside to load into the truck with the help of our associate pastor. after that, along with our pastor, i pitched in to help with the children's area, packing gym mats and boppy pillows and other multicolored objects.

one of the best parts of being part of a church plant is realizing that i am the Church. another one of the best parts is that our staff realizes that they, too, are the Church. they are leading well by helping in any way they can, even if that means getting their hands dirty. true leadership is not expecting volunteers to do anything you wouldn't do yourself.

Church staff and pastors: people are watching. lead well.